Testing Pass Mark Test Log
Passmark is a very small footprint of an application with a quick download. It employs a simple tree view navigation and is able to record large amounts of data.
Good Points
o Memo fields dispalying on seperate windows for large amounts of data. This could be useful for a windows interface, but not so much for a web interface.
o External links to applications and websites to launch as part of the test. This would be very useful to launch the application being tested or for semi automated tests.
o Expected duration of test fields. Useful for determining expected duration of the total test scenario.
o Excellent report wizard for producing custom report graphs.
o Differentiation between developer users and testers.
Bad Points
o No central repository
o Single back end option, no chance to use different database options.
o Cannot run tests, only record and report test scripts. It can record resluts but it is a clumsy system.
o Windows systems only, Win32 application.
The product is cheap and has a very small footprint, but because it has no repository and cannot run tests I would never recommend it. The most useful information gained from the evaluation is the way the application appears to handle all entities the same way.