Spent about 5 hours over the weekend workking with wxDB. After finding the source of a compiler error my sample that is designed to purely open a database connection can now compile without error. I should note that it does not look like minGW can precompile headers so full compilation is going to take a little longer for my projects written in it. There are, however have so many more features in eclipse like a PHP editor and such as well as minGW being GCC compliant that it is still my compiler of choice for my windows system.
I am not yet able to link the sample with the correct libraries and thus it is throwing linker errors. I should be able to alleviate these errors by using the wxdb sample to determing whether I have correctly built wxWindows to include wxDB support and what libraries and compiler options are required.
I am not yet able to link the sample with the correct libraries and thus it is throwing linker errors. I should be able to alleviate these errors by using the wxdb sample to determing whether I have correctly built wxWindows to include wxDB support and what libraries and compiler options are required.
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